Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hoops there it is!

I am geared up and ready to go hooping this summer!!!  I am based out of Michigan and will be hooping and teaching and selling hoops in the Detroit and the Ann Arbor area.

I am very excited about performing at assorted music festivals this summer and I will not have a booth, but be hand selling at most events.

I will be attending

Birmingham Music nights in the park (wed. 7-9pm FREE EVENT)
Michigan Roots Jamboree Festival- august 5-6th.
Hoxeyville Music festival- August 19-21
The Woodward dream cruise (August)
The Michigan Renascence Festival (august-September)

and as always I am still attending the Ann Arbor Fire and circus practice every tuesday night, 9pm-12 at the DoJO off of East Stadium and South Industrial, right after colonial lanes.

Just to name a few!!! Looking forward to the opportunity to spread the love of hoopign!

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